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List selection not changing value

I want to change a @State var variable whenever a row in a list is being selected. Similar to what didSelectRow does in UIKit. That means when tapping on "One" the text on the right-hand side should change from "Nothing selected" to "One" .


Here's my current implementation. However, tapping on a row does nothing at all.

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var items = [Item(id: 1, text: "One"), Item(id: 2, text: "Two"), Item(id: 3, text: "Three")]
    @State var selectedItem: Item? = nil
    var body: some View {
        GeometryReader { geometry in
            HStack(alignment: .center) {
                List(items, selection: $selectedItem) { item in
                .frame(width: geometry.size.width / 2.5, height: geometry.size.height)
                Text(selectedItem?.text ?? "Nothing selected")

struct Item: Identifiable, Hashable {
    var id: Int
    var text: String

How can I change the text when someone taps a row?

Selection in List works only if EditMode is in active state, so you need to handle it manually, something like

var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { geometry in
        HStack(alignment: .center) {
            List(items) { item in
                            .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
                            .onTapGesture {
                                selectedItem = item
            .frame(width: geometry.size.width / 2.5, height: geometry.size.height)
            Text(selectedItem?.text ?? "Nothing selected")

and if needed to highlight background than also do it manually.

You can use Button inside your List, and then select the Item in their action like this

List(items, id:\.self, selection: $selectedItem) { item in
    Button(action: {
        self.selectedItem = item

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