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CakePHP 2.x compare original and modified Data when model is saved

I'm working on a solution to store Information to the database if specific data has been modified. At CakePHP 3.x I implemented a listener on the Model.beforeSave Event. When a user model has been saved I compare it by collecting the dirty (modified) fields and additionaly I check if the fields value has really changed.


class CustomListener implements EventListenerInterface {

  public function implementedEvents() {
      return [
          'Model.beforeSave' => [
              'priority' => 600,
              'callable' => 'filterUserInfos',


  public function filterUserInfos($event, $entity, $options) {
      $subject = $event->getSubject();
      if($subject->alias() == 'Users') {

          $modified_fields = array_flip($entity->getDirty());
          $observed_fields = [
         // look if modified fields are in my observed list
         $matches = array_intersect_key($modified_fields, array_flip($observed_fields));
         if(!empty($matches)) {
            // if its dirty but its value didn't change... throw away
            foreach(array_keys($matches) as $attribute) {
                if($entity->$attribute == $entity->getOriginal($attribute)) {
            if(!empty($matches)) {
               // call function to store to database
    return true;

Now I have to do a similar task on CakePHP 2.x where the model doesn't have the same getDirty() and getOriginal() functions. I've prepared a listener and wanted to use model callbacks, but I'm stuck collecting the users original and modified fields data for comparing

You could check the awesome list, on how behaviors like Logable do it. They usually take a snapshot of the data before the save, and compare it then to the data after the save. A bit more manual process for arrays than with 3.x+ entity classes.

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