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Facebook APP - How do I make my Facebook App Live

Am new to Facebook related stack. So, please bear if its a dumb question.

I created a Facebook App but I couldn't able to find the option to make my APP Live. Do I need to submit it for review and then only I can able to make it Live?


Also am trying to do a Facebook messaging using send API. Am getting "message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: messages".


Am I missing something? Please help.

Also am trying to do a Facebook messaging using send API. Am getting "message": "(#803) Some of the aliases you requested do not exist: messages"

Your URL should be in this format


This means you're missing the /me object in your call. Also since, it's a POST request you need to attach a body with the following params to the call.

"messaging_type": "<MESSAGING_TYPE>",
  "recipient": {
    "id": "<PSID>"
  "message": {
    "text": "hello, world!"

Do I need to submit it for review and then only I can able to make it Live?

According to the page you linked, you need to request pages_messaging permission and that requires App Review in order for this Send API to work in your app. Additionally, If you want to test this in development mode, you can give a role to the user(as a developer, tester, or analytics user) you're trying to message and test with them as mentioned on the page you linked:

Apps in Development Mode, are restricted to message people that have a role in the app. Additionally, Pages in unpublished status will only be allowed to message people with a role on the Page.

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