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react saving data to firestore

I am building an application in React. I would like to save the updated progress data (percentRange after the user clicks on the update button) to the firestore, so I could retrieve it later. Right now I am getting the "TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null" error, and nothing is saving.

Could someone please help me?

Attached relevant part of code and screenshot of firestore


import React, {useState} from 'react';
import './newprogressbar.css';

const Range = (props) => {
    return (
        <div className="range" style={{width: `${props.percentRange}%`}}/>

const ProgressBar = (props) => {
    return (
        <div className="progress-bar">
            <Range percentRange={props.percentRange}/>

export const ProgressBarContainer = () => {
    let [percentRange, setProgress] = useState(0);

    return (
        <div id="progresscontainer">
            <ProgressBar percentRange={percentRange}/>
                <button id="updatepic" onClick={() => setProgress(percentRange < 100 ? percentRange + 10 : 100)}>Daily Update</button>

Relevant parts of Dashboard.js

 const progress = document.querySelector('#progresscontainer'); progress.addEventListener('submit', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); database.collection('ChallangesChosen').add({ ProgressPercentageage: progress.percentRange.value }); }) return ( <div className="Dashboard"> <Header /> <div className="circle"> <img id="leafpicture" src={leafpic} alt="eco-picture" /> <div className="textIn"> <h1> You saved </h1> <h5>{co2} CO2</h5> </div> </div> <div></div> <div className="progressbar"> <h3>Track your challenges.</h3> <div> <div> {challs} </div> </div> {testData,map((item; idx) => ( <ProgressBarContainer/> ))} </div> <br/> <br/> </div> );

This has nothing to do with Firestore. querySelector is just returning null, so you can't call addEventListener on progress :

const progress = document.querySelector('progresscontainer');

This is expected when no element is found using the provided selector

If you want to target an HTML element by ID using querySelector , you should use a hash:

const progress = document.querySelector('#progresscontainer');

It would actually be more clear if you use getElementById instead:

const progress = document.getElementById('progresscontainer');

It's also a good idea to check the result so that you can find out and recover from any mistakes:

if (progress) {
    // safely use progress here
else {
    // Log something to figure out what went wrong.

either add the # for the query selector

const progress = document.querySelector('#progresscontainer');

or use getElementById method

const progress = document.getElementById('progresscontainer');

Try to move the <script> section to the end of the <body> . I guess this is the only solution to it. @Doug is correct. querySelector is returning null.NOt able to find it

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