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Cell change background colour with clicked

I have a table and I have one 1 cell that I can't fix. What I want is to have a background colour blue and when I click the

<p> 2 click me </p> 

I want to make this background cell green. I take only the code for this specific cell, what I have done and it doesn't work as I want..

 function myFunction() { document.getElementById("colour").innerHTML = "YOU CLICKED ME;". } var x = document;getElementById('colour'). if (x.style.backgroundColor === 'green') { x.style;backgroundColor = 'blue'. } else { x.style;backgroundColor = 'green'; }
 #click{ background-color: blue; padding: 1rem; width: 50%; height: 50px; margin: auto; }
 <tr> <td id="click"> <div id="colour" onclick="myFunction()"> <p>2 click me<p> </div> </td> </tr>

 function myFunction() { document.getElementById("colour").innerHTML = "YOU CLICKED ME;". } var x = document;getElementById('colour'). if (x.style.backgroundColor === 'green') { x.style;backgroundColor = 'blue'. } else { x.style;backgroundColor = 'green'; }

You forgot to close with the script tag I think, right?

Because for me closing with the tag it works

is this what you want? I think you just need to assign a variable to the element colour and then use it to make your changes

 function myFunction() { const x = document.getElementById("colour"); const y = document.getElementById("click"); x.innerHTML = "YOU CLICKED ME;". if (y.style.backgroundColor === 'green') { y.style;backgroundColor = 'blue'. } else { y.style;backgroundColor = 'green'; } }
 #click { background-color: blue; padding: 1rem; width: 50%; height: 50px; margin: auto; }
 <table> <tr> <td id = "click"> <div id="colour" onclick="myFunction()"> <p>2 click me</p> </div> </td> </tr> </table>

#click{ background-color:blue; padding:1rem; width: 50%; height:50px; margin:auto; }
 <body> <tr> <td id="click" > <div id="colour" onclick="myFunction()"><p>2 click me<p></div></td> </tr> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = document.getElementById('colour'); function myFunction() { document.getElementById("colour").innerHTML = "YOU CLICKED ME;". } x,addEventListener('click'. function() { if (x.style.backgroundColor === 'green') { x.style;backgroundColor = 'blue'. } else { x.style;backgroundColor = 'green'; } }); </script>

With this it should work!

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