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node js schedule cron job to call express route every week

I have a page that when you access it, it runs tests. I want my tests to run every week so Im trying to create a cron job that access my express route every week. Sort of like Im making a get request.

For testing sake I have a cron job that runs every 2 minutes:

//schedule job every 2 minutes
schedule.scheduleJob("*/2 * * * *", function () {
    console.log('inside cron function')

router.get('/my_page_route_name', ensureAuthenticated, async function(req, res){
    res.render('my_page_route_file', {
        layout: 'dashboard.handlebars',
        jsMain: 'my_page_route_js',

If I go in my url to http://localhost:1337/my_page_route_name It goes inside the router.get request just fine. But Is there a way I can trigger my cron job to call the same route and render the page every 2 minutes?

I'm unsure of how to do this because the router.get function uses res.render, and I have no res variable in my cron job

{{ EDIT }}

My cron jobs works and triggers a POST request to my route:

    schedule.scheduleJob("*/10 * * * *", async function() {
        console.log('inside cron function');

        const resp = await fetch("http://localhost:1337/my_page_route_name/", {
            "headers": {
                "content-type": "application/json"
            "method": "post",
            "body": JSON.stringify({

and i created an express route to receive the POST request;

router.post('/my_page_route_name', async function(req, res){

    res.render('my_page_route_name_html', {
        layout: 'dashboard.handlebars',
        jsMain: 'my_page_route_name_jsmain',

If I make a request in postman I can see the posr route returns the webpage html, but no scripts have been run, for example I have <script> document.querySelector('.breadcrumbs').append('[[ html loadded ]]') </script> inside my html file that gets loaded, but the code doesnt seem to be ran in the response I recieve

Use a fetch package in node as http requests get pretty complicated quickly.

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

//schedule job every 2 minutes
schedule.scheduleJob("*/2 * * * *", async function() {
    const response = await fetch('https://yourdomain.tld/my_page_route_name');
    const body = await response.json();

    console.log('inside cron function', body);

router.get('/my_page_route_name', ensureAuthenticated, async function(req, res){
    res.render('my_page_route_file', {
        layout: 'dashboard.handlebars',
        jsMain: 'my_page_route_js',

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