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How to convert UNIX timestamp into relative date like whatsapp last seen status with moment.JS

I would like to show a UNIX timestamp into last seen status same as what WhatsApp does in javascript. I am using moment.js and as far as I know, we can format the date or can use .fromNow() which gives a relative date but not what I am looking for.

For example, Lets the Unix timestamp: 1606908420

If I use moment.unix(1606908420).formNow() the result will be few seconds ago or something similar

But what I am looking for is, it should show Today 11:30 am .


For a date of yesterday, it should show: Yesterday 11:30 am
For a date of day before yesterday, it should show: Mon 11:30 am

Any date of last week or earlier, it should show 25-11-2020 

Can anyone please help me how can I achieve this?

Convert UNIX timestamp into date

  1. using toDate() method

    {new Date(timestamp?.toDate()).toUTCString()}

    Wed, 2 Dec 2020 12:00:00 GMT

  2. using moment method

    {moment.unix(order.data.created).format("MMMM Do YYYY, h:mma")}

I highly recommend the second one moment for you. learn more from moment docs

Convert Moment Date to looks like In Whatsapp

//utility function to convert your date to looks like in whatsapp

const dateFormatter = (date) => {

    //here we were subtracting our date from current time which will be in milliseconds
    const dateDifferenceInTime =
        new Date().getTime() - new Date(date.toDate()).getTime();

    // conerting milli seconds to days
    // (1000 milliseconds * (60 seconds * 60 minutes) * 24 hours)
    const dateDifferenceInDays =
        dateDifferenceInTime / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

    //After returning in particular formats as of our convinent
    if (dateDifferenceInDays < 1) {
        return moment(date.toDate()).format("LT");// 10:04 am
    } else if (dateDifferenceInDays < 2) {
        return "Yesterday"; // just YesterDay
    } else if (dateDifferenceInDays <= 7) {
        return moment(date.toDate()).format("dddd");//like monday , tuesday , wednesday ....
    } else {
        return moment(date.toDate()).format("l");// if it was more than a week before it will returns as like 05/23/2022

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