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Hidden Button Click in HTML through VBA

    **<td>**JB - Al Qouz**</td>**
        <input type="hidden" name="ingredient[inventories_attributes][][id]" id="ingredient_inventories_attributes__id" value="5564069">
      <small><span class="buyUnitValueText ">pc</span></small>
      <small><b><span id="totalStockValue_1" class="hide paddingLeft15 updateTotalStockValue"></span></b></small>
      <div class="align-left">
        <input type="text" name="ingredient[inventories_attributes][][reorder_level]" id="ingredient_inventories_attributes__reorder_level" value="0" class="span5 menuItemInventory reOrderValue">
        <small><span class="buyUnitValueText span7 labelText pull-right align-left">pc</span>
    <td class="align-left">
      <input type="hidden" name="ingredient[inventories_attributes][][track_inventory]" id="track_inventory_9971" **value="true"**>
      **<div class="vCheckBox trackInventoryCheckbox active" id="9971"></div>**

I need to change 2 things (See Bold) if "id=9971" through vba.

  1. Set class vCheckBox trackInventoryCheckbox active to class vCheckBox trackInventoryCheckbox
  2. Set value="true" to value="false"

Reason being, I'm not able to click the button through VBA and the code change in html that occurs when I click manually are the 1. & 2. mentioned above.

Please advise, below is my code where I tried to get tag value through tr but couldn't, second part was where I could change the values.

    With ie
        .Visible = True
        .navigate (EditIngredientURL)
        While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend
        While .document.readyState <> "complete": DoEvents: Wend
    End With
    Set HTMLdoc = ie.document
    Set tr = HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("tr")
    For Each trObj In tr
        Set td = trObj.getElementsByTagName("td")
        For Each tdObj In td
            If InStr(tdObj.innerText, "JB - Al Qouz") Then
                Debug.Print tdObj.innerText
                Set CheckBox = tdObj.getElementsByTagName("class")
                For Each idnumber In CheckBox
                    Debug.Print idnumber.innerText
                    Exit For
            End If
End Sub

If the ID is known and you have it in a variable idNo you can use it to locate the elements:

idNo = "9971"

HTMLdoc.getElementById("track_inventory_" & idNo).value = "false"

HTMLdoc.getElementById(idNo).className = "vCheckBox trackInventoryCheckbox"

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