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Javascript OOP class object inheritance

The Javascript code below outputs: Employee {#name: "sheila", #gender: "female", #manager: Employee, #job: Job}

How do I fix it so that it outputs: Employee {#name: "sheila", #gender: "female", #manager: "pierre", #job: "software engineer"}

Not sure if there is a hoisting problem. Which lines do I fix so that #manager is "pierre" and #job is "software engineer"?

class Person{                   

    constructor(name, gender) {             
        this.#name = name;          
        this.#gender = gender;          
    setName(name) {             
        this.#name = name;          
    getName() {             
        return this.#name;          
    setGender(gender) {             
        this.#gender = gender;          
    getGender() {               
        return this.#gender;            
class Employee extends Person{                  
    constructor(name, gender, manager, job) {               
        super(name, gender);            
        this.#manager = manager;            
        this.#job = job;            
    setManager(manager) {               
        this.#manager = manager;            
    getManager() {              
        return this.#manager;           
    setJob(job) {               
        this.#job = job;            
    getJob() {              
        return this.#job;           
class Job {                 
    constructor(title) {                
        this.#title = title;            
const softwareEngineer = new Job("software engineer");                  
const keith = new Employee("keith", "male");                    
const pierre = new Employee("pierre", "male");                  
const sheila = new Employee("sheila", "female", keith, softwareEngineer);                   

The issue is that you print the type of the Object instead of the value. You need a toString function for Job and Manager to print the value instead of type, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/toString

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