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How to test Laravel Job with Delay?

I've a job that is being delayed with a dynamic value:


In PHPUnit , we can test if a job has been dispatched or not, but is there any way to check if the job has been dispatched after that specific $time ?

A quick search turned up a number of articles on doing this. Call Queue::fake() and then assert that the job was placed on the queue. Within this assertion, you can confirm that it has a delay.


namespace Tests\Feature;

use App\Jobs\SomeJob;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue;
use Tests\TestCase;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    public function testJobDelayed()

        // [...] Run code that dispatches the job

        // Assert that Job was pushed with a delay
        Queue::assertPushed(SomeJob::class, fn ($job) => !is_null($job->delay));

Source: https://mauricius.dev/test-laravel-job-delayed-in-queue/

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