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I have excluded node_modules from MSBUILD, but it still traverses the directory and takes forever

At some point my project build started taking a long time. It's not a large project and it's directly related to the node_modules directory which is at the root of the project, and excluded from the project!


  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.ascx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.asmx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.css" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.html" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.aspx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\*.js" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
  <InstallInclude Include="**\images\**" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />      

It seems it's excluding all the files properly, but it's still scanning the entire directory. How can I get it to completely ignore the node_modules folder entirely during a build? Tools version is 3.5. This used to take <30 seconds and at some point started taking ~10 minutes. VS Community 2019.

I think the issue is that InstallInclude is your custom item rather than the system item. And most of the files of node_modules are system items like None or Content .These are shown on the solution explorer and are scanned by msbuild.

The system build action are listed under this document .

What you did is make the new InstallInclude item did not contain the files from node_modules and packages . But the system item which contains node_modules folder, so it will always scan the folder.


You should exclude that folder from system Item.

For new-sdk projects, DefaultItemExcludes does work but it does not work for net framework projects.

If your project target to Net Framework , you should use any system item remove to remove those files.

Use this:

      <Content Remove="node_modules\**" />
      <Compile Remove="node_modules\**" />
      <EmbeddedResource Remove="node_modules\**" />
      <None Remove="node_modules\**" />
      <Compile Remove=node_modules\**" />
      <TypeScriptCompile Remove="node_modules\**" />
      .... any system item

      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.ascx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.asmx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.css" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.html" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.aspx" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\*.js" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />
      <InstallInclude Include="**\images\**" Exclude="$(DefaultInstallExcludes)" />      

Exclude from tsconfig files:

modify tsconfig.json :

  "compilerOptions": {
  "include": [
  "exclude": [


modify tsconfig.spec.json file:

  "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "outDir": "./out-tsc/spec",
    "types": [
  "files": [
  "include": [
  "exclude": [

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