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How to get the submitted <select> option in a html page where multiple forms (and select fields) are created dynamically

I'm having troubles in getting the submitted option in a html page where I create dynamically a number of forms, the corresponding <select> and the <option> values within it.

This is my html

<div class="inputs_container">

my js :

 var data = {
        "name": "forest",
        "inputs": [
                "name": "input_1", "formats": ["JPG"]
                "name": "input_2", "formats": ["TXT","ODT"]
var data_files = {
    "resources": [
        {"name": "file_1.jpg", "format": "JPG"},
        {"name": "file_2.jpg", "format": "JPG"},
        {"name": "text_1.txt", "format": "TXT"},
        {"name": "text_2.txt", "format": "TXT"},
        {"name": "odt_1.odt", "format": "ODT"},
        {"name": "odt_2.odt", "format": "ODT"}

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    $.each(data.inputs, function(i, input) {
        let format_in = input.formats;
        var form_id = input.name;
        var select_id = form_id + "_id";
        var select_name = form_id + "_name";
        let $h5 = $(`<h5>Select ${input.formats} file</h5>`).appendTo('.inputs_container');
        $('<form>', {
            "id": form_id,
            "html": '<div class="input_field s12 l6"> <select id="' + select_id + '" name= "' + select_name +'">  </select> </div> <div class="col s12 l6"><button class="btn blue" type="submit"> submit</button> </div>'

        var select = document.getElementById(select_id);
        var file_list_URI =  serverURI + "/resources?formats=" + format_in + "";
        $.getJSON(file_list_URI, function(file){
            $.each(file.resources, function(j, fieldopt){
                select.add(new Option(fieldopt.name, fieldopt.name));
            }); // each
            var input_form = document.getElementById(form_id);
            input_form.onsubmit = function(e) {
                var input_file = input_form.select_name.value;
                console.log(" FORM SUBMIT " + input_file);

The code renders two select fields (with the correct options), one for JPG and one for TXT, ODT file formats. But when I click any of the two submit buttons I get

Uncaught TypeError: input_form.select_name is undefined

Could anyone help me in fixing this error?

Thank you in advance

The error you have occurs on this line:

var input_file = input_form.select_name.value;

The error message Uncaught TypeError: input_form.select_name is undefined means select_name is undefined.

select_name here, is not the variable you declared a couple lines above. It is a property of input_form , the element found by document.getElementById(form_id); .

The select element you wish to target is a child of that form element... So you have to target it and .querySelector() is the right method to do it.

So change it for:

var input_file = input_form.querySelector("[name="+select_name+"]").value;

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