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How to use max of a variable in title/subtitle of a plot with glue in r?

I have a user defined function that calculates daily covid cases for a given country and gives out a data frame:

fn_daily_cases <- function(Country_Name = India)
  Country_Name <- rlang::quo_name(rlang::enquo(Country_Name))
  # above line will insert quote to the value in variable Country_Name
  df_gather %>% filter(Country.Region == Country_Name) %>% 
    mutate(daily_cases = abs(Cases_Count - lag(Cases_Count, default = 0))) %>% 
    # at beginning it will give 0 instead of NA


####### output ########

Country.Region Date   Cases_Count daily_cases
<chr>          <date> <int>       <dbl>

Spain   2020-12-11  1730575 10519   
Spain   2020-12-10  1720056 7955    
Spain   2020-12-09  1712101 9773    
Spain   2020-12-08  1702328 0   
Spain   2020-12-07  1702328 17681   
Spain   2020-12-06  1684647 0   
Spain   2020-12-05  1684647 0   
Spain   2020-12-04  1684647 8745    
Spain   2020-12-03  1675902 10127   
Spain   2020-12-02  1665775 9331    

Issue: When I try to plot this dataframe using another function then I am unable to display max( Cases_Count) in subtitle


fn_daily_cases_plot <- function(country_selected = India) {
  fn_daily_cases({{country_selected}}) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(Date, y = daily_cases)) +
  geom_line(col = "midnightblue") +
  labs(title = glue("{quo_name(enquo(country_selected))} Daily Cases") ,
       subtitle = glue("Total cases so far: {max(Cases_Count)}" )
       ) +


##### output ######

Error in eval(parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE), envir) : object 'Cases_Count' not found

Try to first save the data in a separate tibble x and then to call max(x$Cases_Count) .

fn_daily_cases_plot <- function(country_selected = India) {

  x <- fn_daily_cases({{country_selected}})

  ggplot(x, aes(Date, y = daily_cases)) + 
  geom_line(col = "midnightblue") +
  labs(title = glue("{quo_name(enquo(country_selected))} Daily Cases") , 
        subtitle = glue("Total cases so far: {max(x$Cases_Count)}" )) +

Anyways, I don't know why you prefer glue over the base alternative paste (see also this question ).

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