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Nuxt nested url directory

I have this king od structure that should be binded to URLs:

/default/tree/index.vue -> URL: /default/tree
/default/tree/apple/index-vue -> URL: /default/tree/apple
/error/index.vue -> URL: /error
/login/index.vue -> URL: /login

However, I cannot access default/tree/apple, because NUXT gives me an error that This page could not be found

Any suggestions?

this folder structure should produce the URLs you want:

--| default/
----| tree/
------| index.vue (url: /default/tree)
------| apple.vue (url: /default/tree/apple)

read here to learn more:

nuxt file system routing

Your directory structure should be like that:

/default/tree/index.vue -> URL: /default/tree
/default/tree/index/apple.vue -> URL: /default/tree/apple

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