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How to configure cors on keycloak and nginx?

The problem is this: we have released an application with a Vue front-end and a keycloak authorization server. Keycloak works in a docker containerThe application is located at the URL: app.xxxx.xx, and the authorization is at the URL: auth.xxxx.xx. Nginx is used as a proxy server. Everything starts, but after authorization, the application itself does not load and an error occurs:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://auth.xxxx.xx/auth/realms/Atlas/protocol/openid-connect/token' (redirected from 'http://auth.xxxx.xx/auth/realms/Atlas/protocol/openid-connect/token') from origin 'http://app.gxxxx.xx.' has been blocked by CORS policy: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. The credentials mode of requests initiated by the XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.

Keycloak config

Nginx config

Try using "+" in "Web origins" in your client configuration?

See Web origins .

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