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Add href to anchor tag on the n click

        <a **id="download"**  oncontextmenu="return false" > <svg ...
<script type="text/javascript">

The Code Below is just to get first 2 clicks.

  $("#download").attr("oncontextmenu", "false");

  $("#download").attr("oncontextmenu", "false");

Here is the finalfunction which adds HREF on the 3rd click.

$("#download").attr("href", "<%= downloadLink %>");


But this code isn't working. Help me please.

  1. IDs need to be unique. Use a class.

  2. Have ONE eventListener and count the clicks inside it

Try something like this

I added some debugging

 $(".download").on("click", e => { const anchor = e.currentTarget; let cnt = anchor.dataset.cnt; if (cnt === "2") { anchor.href = anchor.dataset.href; console.log("clicked 3 times") } else { cnt++; anchor.dataset.cnt = cnt; $(".count",anchor).html(`Click ${3-cnt} more time${3-cnt === 1? "": "s"}`) e.preventDefault() } })
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <section> <a class="download" href="#" data-cnt="0" data-href="...." class oncontextmenu="return false"><span class="count">Click 3 times</span> <svg... </svg></a> <a class="download" href="#" data-cnt="0" data-href="...." class oncontextmenu="return false"><span class="count">Click 3 times</span> <svg... </svg></a> </section>

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