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Why doesn’t my website update even though the file has been uploaded successfully? (FTP)

I have been trying in vain to update my website. I use the following information for a connection:

  • server
  • name + password
  • port
  • SFTP

When I save the file, I get a message that the file was uploaded successfully. However, the website does not update.

In addition, the file on the server does not seem to correspond to the file displayed on the eg homepage.

I am happy about every answer. Thank you in advance.

Maybe the files are cached so even though you change the files, server might be responding you with cached results. To check if that's the case, open your developer console, then go to Network tab and then refresh your page. When the data is loaded, check if it says "cached" on "Status" column. If so, try force refreshing your page by pressing CTRL+F5.

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