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for loop over elements in vanilla javascript - only the first element in the accordion works

I'm working on a small accordion component. I know how to make it work in jQuery using this code:

const eCta    = $('.js-accordion-cta');
const eTarget = $('.js-accordion-target');
const state   = 'active';

eCta.on('click', function(){

I wan't to avoid using external libraries like jQuery but I can't get it to work with js. It only works on the first element in the accordion.

const item = document.querySelectorAll(".js-accordion-item");
const eCta = document.querySelector(".js-accordion-cta");
const eTarget = document.querySelector(".js-accordion-target");
const state = "active";

item.forEach(function (item, index) {
  eCta.onclick = function () {

<div class="item js-accordion-item">

    <a class="cta js-accordion-cta">Accordion Title 1 (cta)</a>

    <div class="target js-accordion-target">
      <h3>Lorem ipsum item</h3>
      <p>Content lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit </p>

<div class="item js-accordion-item">

What is the correct way to loop over dom items to interact with them? Preferable in ES6

Codepen demo

I imagine it's because const eCta = document.querySelector(".js-accordion-cta"); only selects the first element.

I can't seem to share the modified codepen, but I just changed the JS as below

const items = document.querySelectorAll(".js-accordion-item");
const state = "active";

items.forEach(function (item, index) {
  const eCta = item.querySelector('.js-accordion-cta')
  eCta.onclick = function () {

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