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PySpark number of occurrences per date

I have a PySpark dataframe which looks like:

|port  |  timestamp        |
|9200  |2020-06-19 02:12:41|
|9200  |2020-06-19 03:54:23|
|51    |2020-06-19 05:32:11|
|22    |2020-06-20 06:07:43|
|22    |2020-06-20 01:11:12|
|51    |2020-06-20 07:38:49|

I'm trying to find the number of times a distinct port is used per day

For example, the resulting dataframe should look like this:

|window      |  ports         |
|2020-06-19  |{9200: 2, 51: 1}|
|2020-06-20  |{22: 2, 51:1 }  |

It definitely does not need to be stored in a dictionary, I'm just not sure how it should look to capture all ports per day.

I've currently tried the following:

df.groupBy(window(df['timestamp'], "1 day")).agg(count('port'))

which results in:

|window      |  count(port)   |
|2020-06-19  |3               |
|2020-06-20  |3               |

This is not what I'm looking for as it only counts the number of ports per day, and does not split by the distinct ports.

Group by window and port, aggregate count of ports, then group by window and collect the port count into an array.

    F.window(df['timestamp'], "1 day"), 'port'

|    window|               ports|
|2020-06-19|[[9200, 2], [51, 1]]|
|2020-06-20|  [[51, 1], [22, 2]]|

If your intention is to get only the number of times a distinct port is used per day, then it is nothing but just a case of aggregating the count of records over a group of 'date column' and 'port'.

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
|      date|port|count|
|2020-06-19|  51|    1|
|2020-06-19|9200|    2|
|2020-06-20|  22|    2|
|2020-06-20|  51|    1|

Spark-sql solution:

val df = spark.sql("""
with t1 (
select 9200 x,  '2020-06-19 02:12:41' y union all 
select 9200 x, '2020-06-19 03:54:23' y union all 
select 51 x, '2020-06-19 05:32:11' y union all 
select 22 x, '2020-06-20 06:07:43' y union all 
select 22 x, '2020-06-20 01:11:12' y union all 
select 51 x, '2020-06-20 07:38:49' y
) select x as port, y as timestamp  from t1

|port|timestamp          |
|9200|2020-06-19 02:12:41|
|9200|2020-06-19 03:54:23|
|51  |2020-06-19 05:32:11|
|22  |2020-06-20 06:07:43|
|22  |2020-06-20 01:11:12|
|51  |2020-06-20 07:38:49|


select window, collect_set(struct(port,t)) ports from 
( select cast(timestamp as date) window, port, count(port) over(partition by cast(timestamp as date), port ) t from  logtable ) temp 
group by 1

|window    |ports               |
|2020-06-20|[[22, 2], [51, 1]]  |
|2020-06-19|[[9200, 2], [51, 1]]|

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