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Powershell - How to get the GUID from a security group to assign acl

I might be missing something, but I am trying to get the GUID from a security group to assign some delegated permissions.

I have a basic code see below;

$guidmap = get-adgroup -Filter "name -like 'MyOU'" -Properties *  | select objectguid

Write-host "Here is what you need: " $guidmap

Not sure why I can't seem to resolve the GUID on this.

The thing to remember is that Powershell is very much an object-based language. One of your best debugging tools will be the Get-Member cmdlet. In this case, it turns out that the output from Select-Object is still an object of type ADGroup (specifically, Selected.Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup ), when what you want is apparently either a System.GUID or a System.String .

If you want a System.GUID , try

$GUIDMap = (Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'MyOU'" -Properties ObjectGUID).ObjectGUID

or if you want a System.String , use

$GUIDMap = (Get-ADGroup -Filter "Name -like 'MyOU'" -Properties ObjectGUID).ObjectGUID.GUID

( Incidentally, if you're retrieving the information for a single specific group, you don't need to use the -Filter parameter and expression; you can use -Identity instead - Get-ADGroup -Identity MyOU -Properties ObjectGUID ... )

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