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Laravel get data based on relationship

So i have two tables, Bids table and Projects table. Relationship between them as such:


public function projects()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Projects');


public function bids()
    return $this->hasMany('App\Bids');

This is Projects table . This is Bids table . I want to print all the bid data along with their respective projects data in each row of table in View. I tried to do this way in my controller:

$bids= auth()->user()->bids()->get();
   foreach($bids as $bid)
        $projects= Projects::find($bid->project_id);
    return view('bids.index',compact('bids','projects'));

index view:

 @if($bids->count() != 0)
           @foreach($bids as $bid)                      
            <td><a href="{{ route('projects.select',$projects->id) }}">{{$projects->name}}</a></td>
             <td colspan="6" class="text-center">No record found.</td>

But I got the data repeated in one row of table. So what should be the proper way to do it? Sorry if this is a bit vague, but this is my best way to explain it in abstract.

You are not using the relationship you defined here.

$bids = auth()->user()->bids()->with('project')->get();

This will eager load the project relationship for each Bid.

I really don't know how you want this to look in the view but you can iterate the bids and get the project information pretty simply:

@foreach ($bids as $bid)
    {{ $bid->id }}
    {{ $bid->project->name ?? '' }}

Side note:

Your Projects model should be Project , models are named in the singular and the database tables are named in the plural. Your relationship should be project not projects since it is a singular relationship, belongs to; it can only return a single record or null .

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