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main.go not able to find the package

Actually I want to use c4 to generate the c4 id for the video files, So I found the below repo which is developed to do this thing, So I clone this repo https://github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/tree/v0.7.0

Now as suggested in this answer from stack overflow: Not able to install cmd version of c4 from github

I execute the following command in my ubuntu terminal

go get github.com/Avalanche-io
go get github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/id
go get github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/cmd/c4

then as they have shown in the example of how to use this repo

package main

import (

  c4 "github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id"

func main() {
  file := "main.go"
  f, err := os.Open(file)
  if err != nil {
  defer f.Close()

  // create a ID encoder.
  e := c4.NewEncoder()
  // the encoder is an io.Writer
  _, err = io.Copy(e, f)
  if err != nil {
  // ID will return a *c4.ID.
  // Be sure to be done writing bytes before calling ID()
  id := e.ID()
  // use the *c4.ID String method to get the c4id string
  fmt.Printf("C4id of \"%s\": %s\n", file, id)

I just copy this same example and created a main.go file and when I run this command which they have defined here in their README.md https://github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/blob/v0.7.0/id/README.md The command is go run main.go ```` Instead of getting the c4 id``` of the file as they have shown in their example. I am getting the following error

main.go:8:3: cannot find package "github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id" in any of:
    /usr/lib/go-1.13/src/github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id (from $GOROOT)
    /home/vinay/go/src/github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id (from $GOPATH)

I don't know about go language so it is becoming very difficult for me to solve the problem here, Is there any go developer which will help me out.

main.go file is not able to find the package github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id inside /home/vinay/go/src/github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id , As I can see you have run the following go get commands

go get github.com/Avalanche-io
go get github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/id
go get github.com/Avalanche-io/c4/cmd/c4

but none of them has name github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id so according to me, You need to execute the following command

go get github.com/avalanche-io/c4/id

Now just run your main.go

go run main.go

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