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How to disabled FF/RW key at List and Grid Nodes?

I used all Components like PosterGrid, ZoomRowList and TimeGrid. But, every Component Automatic Scroll using FF/RW key. I need to Stop Scrolling with that Component. I found specific Field at Rowlist which is fadeFocusFeedbackWhenAutoScrolling . There is a specific field for otherComponent? I also applied the below code:

if key = "fastforward" or key = "rewind" then //also I tried with "and" keyword
end if

But no luck. Does anyone know How can I stop Scrolling keys inside a List and Grid Nodes?

You'll need to explicitly return true in that case.

if key = "fastforward" or key = "rewind" then
    return true
end if

This will let the component know that those keys have already been handled, and prevent its default behaviour.

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