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How to navigate one step to another steps programmatically in ngx-admin nebular stepper?

I am using nebular ngx-admin template. I am facing some issues in nebular stepper. I have used four steps in one component.

I used Nebular API's methods in component file:

@ViewChild("stepper") stepper: NbStepperComponent;


The next() is navigate to next steps.
The previous() is navigate to previous steps.
The reset() is navigate to first step and reset all form data.

How can I navigate from 4th step to 2nd step?

Use this way,

In HTML file

 <nb-stepper #stepper [(selectedIndex)]="stepperIndex">

    <nb-step [stepControl]="serviceForm" label="Select Package">

    <button nbButton 



In Component.ts file

stepperIndex: number = 0; // here 0 is initial index

backToSelectPackage() {
  this.stepperIndex = 0; // here 0 is navigate index


If used [(selectedIndex)] , We can't use next(), Previous() and nbStepperNext, nbStepperPrevious.


it will navigate to second step...

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