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How to set text without changing inner element in JQuery?

I have this html

<h3 id="price">0.00<sup id="category">N/A</sup></h3>

I am using ajax to replace the <h3> tag and sup tag under the <h3> , but after setting the value using JQuery it replace all in a single,

here is my snippet;


My result is only showing '120.25' ,and the category is not showing

How to solve this?

That's because you're modifying the h3 element. Instead have separate elements for each of your dynamic values and just update what you need.

 $("#price").text('120.25'); $("#category").text('Bacon');
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3><span id="price">0.00</span><sup id="category">N/A</sup></h3>

text() function recover all elements inside in the your <h3> tag. To achieve this you can prefer html() function and write it all at once.

#Solution 1

 function change(){ $("#price").html('120.25'+'<sup id="category">Bacon</sup>'); }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3 id="price">0.00<sup id="category">N/A</sup></h3> <button onClick='change();'>Change it </button>

#Solution 2

You can define all elements at the same level. For example;

  <insidetag1>Some Text Here</insidetag1>
  <insidetag2>Some Text Here</insidetag2>

If you prefer this solution, you can set texts with text() function selecting them seperately.

There are several ways this can be done, here I show some with a recommendation to alter the original markup with a span and manipulate that)

NOTE: This is really several answers in one to illustrate the differences.

<h3><span id="price-alter">0.00</span><sup id="category-alter">N/A</sup></h3>

 $(function() { // text at the start with original markup, NOTE it has text nodes of both let torig = $("#price").text(); // original text of node 0 let torigPrice = $("#price").contents().get(0).nodeValue; let torigCat = $("#category").text(); console.log("torig:", torigPrice, "|", torigCat); // direct maniplulation of price-2 and its child category-2 let torigone2 = $("#price-2").contents().get(0).nodeValue; $("#price-2").contents().get(0).nodeValue = "2.34"; $("#category-2").text("Butter"); // direct maniplulation another (yea, don't do this remove/re-add) $("#category-another").remove(); $("#price-another").text('786.32'); $("#price-another").append("<sup id='category-another'>Not Good<sup>"); // direct maniplulation of alternate markup and its child (probably the right way if you can) $("#price-alter").text("432.34"); $("#category-alter").text("Milk"); // clone the original, manipulate it and append it as new element (just to demonstrate) // most often best with "table" rows you want to clone and insert let myclone = $("#price").clone(true); // new id just to demonstrate (no dup id) myclone.attr("id", "#price" + "-new"); // text of the clone let cloneText = myclone.text(); // clone and remove the old category from the clone let savedCat = myclone.find('#category').clone(true); myclone.find('#category').remove(); // new id just to demonstrate (no dup id) savedCat.attr('id', 'category-new'); savedCat.text('New Cat Clone'); myclone.find('#category').remove(); // text of the new clone price myclone.text("123.67"); // add cloned category then append it back savedCat.appendTo(myclone); $('#new-markup').after(myclone); let tClone = myclone.text(); console.log("Values:", torig, "|", torig, "|", torigone2, "|", tClone, "|", $("#price-2").text()); // what you did originally $("#price").text('120.25'); $("#category").text('Bacon'); });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <div>Original (whoops):</div> <h3 id="price">0.00<sup id="category">N/A</sup></h3> <div>Original (another):</div> <h3 id="price-another">0.00<sup id="category-another">N/A</sup></h3> <div>Alternate markup:</div> <h3><span id="price-alter">0.00</span><sup id="category-alter">N/A</sup></h3> <div>Original-2 textNode:</div> <h3 id="price-2">0.00<sup id="category-2">N/A</sup></h3> <div id="new-markup">NEW markup:</div>

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