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Custom message between jupyter notebooks

Is it possible to use ZMQ part of Anaconda for custom messaging between jupyter notebooks somehow? My intention is that if there is a boundled solution why should I write my own comm solution, or install something new:-) I would like to query all available notebooks and if the required one is up and running then I want to send custom, streamed data to that notebok. (Previously I made it with asyncio socket server/client architecture with pure.py scripts).

Unfortunately the messaging documentation does not help me too much.

Thank you in advance!


Q : "Is it possible to use ZMQ part of Anaconda for custom messaging between jupyter notebooks somehow?"


Option A:
One may extend the jupyter framework to include all your new functionalities in FOSS core

Option B:
One may instantiate one's own ZeroMQ signaling / messaging infrastructure on top of & independent from the jupyter internal signaling / messaging functionalities, and work just with a pure user-level code.

include zmq

my1stContextINSTANCE = zmq.context()                          # The Engine
my1stPublisherSOCKET = my1stContextINSTANCE.socket( zmq.PUB ) #        its Socket
my1stPublisherSOCKET.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER,       0 )        #            configurations
my1stPublisherSOCKET.setsockopt( zmq.SNDBUF, 2000000 )        #            ...
my1stPullDataSOCKET  = my1stContextINSTANCE.socket( zmq.PULL )#        its Socket
my1stPullDataSOCKET.setsockopt( zmq.LINGER,        0 )        #            configurations
my1stPullDataSOCKET.setsockopt( zmq.RCVBUF,   100000 )        #            ...


while True:
   my1stPublisherSOCKET.send( "INF: message payload[{0:}]".format( repr( _ ) ) )
   if ( my1stPullDataSOCKET.poll( 0 ) ) ... ):




Reciprocally the same on all the other peer-sides.

The ZeroMQ framework is smart for doing this, either way. You may like to read this & this .

The architecture design & the implementation wisdom & robustness is yours.

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