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How to pass a variable task_ids to a xcom.pull in Airflow?

Sometimes I find it handy to create tasks using a loop.

Below is an example of a SqoopOperator of which I use the xcom value from the previous PythonOperator in the where clause. I am trying to use a variable get_delivery_sqn_task_id to access the correct xcom value ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=get_delivery_sqn_task_id , however this does not work (returns ()).

I can take everything out of the loop, but this makes the code quite ugly I think. Is there an elegant solution to have a variable task_ids to retrieve xcom values? I guess otherwise the best solution is using the Airflow Variables.

for table in tables:
    get_delivery_sqn_task_id ='get_delivery_sqn_'+ table 
    get_delivery_sqn_task = PythonOperator(
        task_id = get_delivery_sqn_task_id,
        python_callable = get_delivery_sqn,
        op_kwargs = {
            'table_name': table
        provide_context = True,
        dag = dag
    sqoop_operator_task = SqoopOperator(
        task_id = "sqoop_"+table,
        conn_id = "DWDH_PROD",
        table = table,
        cmd_type = "import",
        target_dir = "/sourcedata/sqoop_tmp/"+table,
        num_mappers = 1,
        where = "delivery_sqn > {{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids=get_delivery_sqn_task_id, key='return_value') }}",
        dag = dag

You can do:

"delivery_sqn > {{{{ ti.xcom_pull(task_ids={}, key='return_value') }}}}".format(get_delivery_sqn_task_id)

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