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Jquery find element by attribute partial value

I have the following elements

<li data-attr="sessionContext='test session'"></li>
<li data-attr="sessionContext='test session 12345'"></li>

// I want to get all elements with [data-attr=someContext*=] -doesn't 
matter someContext= value, but doesn't work
$("[data-attr]") // gets all elements, but not sessionContext only
$("[data-attr='sessionContext=test session']") // works but for single element only

Using a selector, you can try this:

$('[data-attr="sessionContext=test session"]')     
// will return the element sessionContext=test session

$('[data-attr^="sessionContext=test session"]' )   
// will return all that begin with sessionContext=test session

$('[data-attr$="sessionContext=test session"]' )   
// will return all that end with sessionContext=test session

$('[data-attr*="sessionContext=test session"]' )   
// will return all that contain sessionContext=test session

Try this:


^ will match anything starting with sessionContext

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