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How to grant a Service Principal read access to the Active Directory Groups?

Currently I am trying to read the ObjectId of an Active Directory Group from a GitHub Action where I am logged in with a Service Principal.

The Service Principal is a Contributor with the following additional permissions:


when running the following command with the Azure CLI:

az ad group show -g {NAME OF GROUP}

I receive the following output:

ValidationError: Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.
Error: Error: az cli script failed.

I have tried granting permission to the service principal through the Microsoft Graph API through the following permissions:

Directory.Read.All (Granted)
Group.Read.All (Granted)

However these are not sufficient to grant read permissions.

Two ways to fix the issue(the sceond one is recommended):

  1. This command essentially calls the Azure AD Graph not Microsoft Graph , so the permission of Microsoft Graph will not take effect, what you need here is the Application permission (not Delegated permission ) Directory.Read.All in Azure AD Graph .




  1. Another way is to give the Azure AD admin role to the service principal, eg Directory Readers , this role's permission is less than Directory.Read.All above, and AAD Graph is a Supported legacy API, so the second way is recommended. After giving the role, wait for a while to take effect, then it will work fine.



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