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Is there a way to pause or delay an event handler in JavaScript?

I'm very new to JavaScript and trying to learn. I am using the StreamLabs API to display gif animations for Twitch alerts .

If alerts come in too quickly, the animation will keep cutting itself off and starting from the beginning. I'm trying to delay the events so that the animations will play fully.

Currently, the code snippet in question looks like this.

streamlabs.on('event', (eventData) => 
    var start = new Date();
    if (eventData.for === 'twitch_account') 
      switch (eventData.type) 
        case 'follow':
          //code to handle follow events
            setTimeout(function () 
            }, followGifLength);
          }, start % 2500);

Use Promise & SetTimeout to set delay:

 function delay(millseconds) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { console.log('waiting...') resolve('waiting...') }, millseconds) }) } async function test() { console.clear(); console.log('start'); await delay(2000); console.log('end'); } test();

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