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Powershell - performance issues using out-file in a foreach loop

The following scripts converts an XML into a specific CSV format to feed a specific source system. It works fine, but the performance is incredibly slow. I believe the issue is because Out-File is opening - closing the file for every line. Is there a better way to do this?

$url = 'http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist.xml'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod  -Uri $url
$elements = $result.Envelope.Cube

foreach($element in $elements)
    foreach($x in $element.Cube)
        foreach($y in $x.Cube)
            $time = $x.time.ToString() -replace "-"
            $output =  $time + "`t" + $y.currency.ToString() + "`t" + $y.rate.ToString()
            $output | Out-File -Append ".\rates.csv"

I believe the issue is because Out-File is opening - closing the file for every line

That is indeed the reason, so the key to speeding up your command is to pipe all data to a single invocation of Out-File , which you can achieve by wrapping your foreach loop in a script block ( {... } ) that you invoke with & , the call operator :

& {
  foreach ($element in $elements) {
    foreach ($x in $element.Cube) {
      foreach ($y in $x.Cube) {
        $time = $x.time.ToString() -replace "-"
        # Synthesize and output the line to save.
        $time + "`t" + $y.currency.ToString() + "`t" + $y.rate.ToString()
} | Out-File .\rates.csv

The above preserves PowerShell's typical streaming pipeline behavior, sending output lines one by one to Out-File .

Given that your data is already in memory anyway, you can speed up the operation a little by using $(...) rather than & {... } around your foreach loop, ie by using $() , the subexpression operator .

That said, in-memory data allows even faster processing :

  • Through bypassing the pipeline and instead passing all output lines as an argument .

  • Additionally, given that you're saving text to a file, by using Set-Content to speed things up a bit.

    • Note: In Windows PowerShell , Set-Content 's default encoding differs from Out-File 's: the active ANSI code page's encoding vs. UTF-16LE ("Unicode"); in PowerShell [Core] 7+ , all cmdlets consistently default to BOM-less UTF-8; use the -Encoding parameter as needed.
  • Finally, you can eliminate one level of nesting from your foreach loops by taking advantage of PowerShell's member enumeration .

# Adjust -Encoding as needed.
Set-Content -Encoding utf8 .\rates.csv -Value $(
  foreach ($x in $elements.Cube) {
    foreach ($y in $x.Cube) {
      $time = $x.time.ToString() -replace "-"
      # Synthesize and output the output line.
      $time + "`t" + $y.currency.ToString() + "`t" + $y.rate.ToString()

Try this:

$url = 'http://www.ecb.europa.eu/stats/eurofxref/eurofxref-hist.xml'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod  -Uri $url
$elements = $result.Envelope.Cube

$outputAll = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

foreach($element in $elements)
    foreach($x in $element.Cube)
        foreach($y in $x.Cube)
            $time = $x.time.ToString() -replace "-"
            $output =  $time + "`t" + $y.currency.ToString() + "`t" + $y.rate.ToString()
            $null = $outputAll.add($output)

$outputAll | Out-File -Append ".\rates.csv"

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