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couldn't find the plugin “eslint-plugin-promise”

I've done the followings to use eslint globally so not repeat on every new project but I am not able to get the eslint plugin part to work. what step am I missing:

  • installed eslint (& the eslint-plugin-promise ) globally
  • created a.eslintrc file in my home directory,and included these in it
     "env": {
     "browser": true,
     "es6": true,
     "node": true
      "plugins": [

and I expect that when I run eslint in any directory the plugin to be known. so in my work directory I add a.eslintrc.json with all the rules I wanted to apply but I get these errors:

   1:1  error  Definition for rule 'promise/always-return' was not found    promise/always-return
   1:1  error  Definition for rule 'promise/catch-or-return' was not found  promise/catch-or-return
   1:1  error  Definition for rule 'promise/no-nesting' was not found       promise/no-nesting

Now if I add this to local.eslintrc

  "plugins": [

I get this error: ESLint couldn't find the plugin "eslint-plugin-promise". and recommends me to install it locally. but that's exactly what I want to avoid.

Try to upgrade to the latest version of ESLint and make sure it's configured properly in .eslintrc.json

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