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FosRestBundle on Symfony 5 Exception don't work

I work on an API on Symfony 5, I use JMS serializer and FosRestBundle.I would like the exceptions that I send to be in json format,But I have already this: enter image description here enter image description here I work with Postman

I have just a problem, when I make a constraint on post request with ConstraintViolationList for validate my data, I do this:

 `public function create(User $user, ConstraintViolationList $violations, UserHandler $userHandler)
    if (count($violations)) {
        $message = 'Le JSON envoyé contient des données non valides. Voici les erreurs que vous devez corriger: ';
        foreach ($violations as $violation) {
            $message .= sprintf("Champ %s: %s ", $violation->getPropertyPath(), $violation->getMessage());
        throw new ResourceValidationException($message);

    return $this->view(
            'Location' => $this->generateUrl('app_user_detail', ['id' => $user->getId()], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL),

I put in the FosRestBundle config, this:

    enabled: true
       { App\Exception\ResourceValidationException: 400 }

And my all for_rest.yaml:

    formats: { json: true, xml: false, rss: false }
    view_response_listener: 'force'
    serialize_null: true
    enabled: true
    validate: true
    validation_errors_argument: violations
        - { path: ^/, priorities: ['json'], fallback_format: 'json' }
param_fetcher_listener: true
    enabled: true
       { App\Exception\ResourceValidationException: 400 }

I also created a ResourceValidationException file:


namespace App\Exception;

class ResourceValidationException extends \Exception

I've been looking for a while, I tried several configuration for the exception but I was not found. And it doesn't work for any of my exceptions. I don't know if I forgot a setup but if anyone knows how I would be grateful. Thank you and happy new year!

I'm not entirely 100 percent correct on this but I should recommend reading more into FosRestBundle, that it doesn't really work on Symfony 5, but it works on version 4. I tried to implement myself but although with no success. But I'd recommend on reading, because symfony implemented it's own validator:


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