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MATLAB: Time series plot for n days

I am trying to do a scatter plot, with the x-axis occupying a range of 5 to 15 in steps of 0.25 and the y-axis occupying 41 random data for 20 days.

x = 5:0.25:15;
y = rand(41,20);

How can i achieve a scatter plot on MATLAB, whereby the x-range is applicable to all the 20 columns?

Did you possibly want a scatter plot with connected lines so that you could identify the different datasets? Here I used the same for-loop approach and holding the plot using hold on . In the line plot(t,y(:,n),'.-'); the term '.-' is used to indicate to plot the data with connected lines and dots at the data points. As the comment above indicated for a random dataset doing a best fit polynomial will not reveal very useful information if not any at all.


Start_Time = 5;
End_Time = 15;
Time_Interval = 0.25;
t = (Start_Time: Time_Interval: End_Time); 
y = rand(41,20);

for n = 1:20 
    hold on 

Legend_Labels = "Data 1";
for Dataset_Index = 2: size(y,2)
   Legend_Labels = [Legend_Labels "Data "+num2str(Dataset_Index)];    

Current_Figure = gcf;
Current_Figure.Position = [50 50 1000 400];
title("Plotting Random Data with Respect to Time");
xlabel("Time (s)"); ylabel("Value");

Ran using MATLAB R2019b

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