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Running batch operations in MongoDB/ Robo3t

I have a list of users in a file and I want to update their record in a collection.


db.getCollection('users').update({username: "<a user>"}, { $set: { <set some values here> }})

How can I feed a list of users into this command or something similar in Robo 3T or from a terminal command line?

The following from the command line seems the easier options:

Option A) generate the update queries on the fly from the list of users and send to the mongo shell:

cat file.csv | awk '{ print("db.users.update({user:\""$1"\"},{ $set:{x:1} }) ")   }' | mongo 

Option B) mongoimport

Step 1) Import the user list to the database in temporary collection:

 mongoimport --type csv -d test -c usersToUpdate --headerline  file.csv



Step 2) As soon as the collection is imported you can do as follow:

  db.usersToUpdate.find({},{_id:0,userlist:1}).forEach(function(theuser){      db.users.update({username: theuser.userlist}, { $set: { <set some values here> }}); print(theuser+" record updated successfully");      })

Step 3) Finally you can clean the temporary usersToUpdate collection with:


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