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Sharepoint New Item button returns a blank page when it supposed to return my custom form. What could possibly cause the issue?

Whenever I click "New Item" button on Sharepoint list to, of course, to create an item... it returns a blank page. Here's the screenshot of what it returns:


I am the one who created this list, so I should have an access. My teammates can access the custom form I made whenever they click the New Item button except me. It all started when I got an error message after I modified my infopath form. It's about Web Part Maintenance.

My teammates told me to clear my browser's cache & cookies.. I did but to no avail.

Is there anyone who have also experienced this same issue? A help would be appreciated.

There appears to be a problem with your form. You can revert the list to its out of the box form in the list settings page. If you wish to troubleshoot it, could you post a screen shot of a Fiddler trace for when you're clicking the New button?

Are you team mates are opening the same form? if yes then try on private browser tab.

If no then please share the fidler and consol logs.

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