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React: How to use setState inside functional component?

I am learning React. I read an article that suggests us to use functional component instead of class that extends React.Component, so I followed. I also use the arrow function instead of function keyword. That is:

const MyComponent = (props) => {...}

I got a structure that has 20 properties like:

    id: '',
    firstname: '',
    lastname: '', 

I am using if... else if... to set the state, but I saw some examples that use this.setState() in just one line of code. I try to import setState from 'react', but fail.

Is there a way to use setState() instead of setName(), setId(), ..., etc? Or any suggestion?

Thank you very much!

There is only the (one) 'setState()' method - not a method per-property (as you've suggested/questioned).

It is a composite in terms of it's parameter, in that you can specify/set more than one item within the same/one call (to the 'setState()' method), so you can set all 20 of your items in one go.


  this.setState({ "firstName" : firstNameVal, "lastName" : lastNameVal });

I was starting from where you said you started - from a 'class' based component.

If you are sticking with the switch to a 'function' based component, then it is slightly different, in summary:

import React, { useState } from 'react';


// The 'useState' hook (function) returns a getter (variable) & setter (function) for your state value - and takes the initial/default value for it/to set it to, e.g.
const [ firstName, setFirstName ] = useState('');

And you then use the getter var to read it & the setter function to set it:


(I could be wrong but I believe 'hooks' were added in v16.8 of React.)

A more in-depth description:


Use useState hook in functional components.

 const App = () => { const [state, setState] = React.useState({ first: "hello", second: "world" }); return ( <div> <input type="text" value={state.first} onChange={(ev) => setState({...state, first: ev.target.value})} /> <input type="text" value={state.second} onChange={(ev) => setState({...state, second: ev.target.value})} /> </div> ) } ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'))
 <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@17/umd/react.production.min.js"></script> <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@17/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script> <div id="app"> </div>

this.setState only works in class based components. In functional components useState hook is used which behaves as a state

useState lets you add React state to function components.

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