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React Native - Invalid hook call using useRef

I'm trying to use useRef() in one of my compononents in React Native, but I keep getting the

Component Exception: Invalid Hook Call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component

My component:

import React, { createRef, useRef } from 'react';
import { Animated, View } from 'react-native';

const BottomTabMenu: React.FC = ({ navigation, state: { routeNames } }) => {

  const xPosition = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current;

  return (

      <Animated.View style={{ 
          position: 'absolute', left: 37, top: 32,
          transform: [
              translateX: xPosition
          start={{ x: 0, y: 0 }} end={{ x: 1, y: 0 }}
          colors={['#FF151B', '#AA0089']}
            height: 40, width: 50, borderRadius: 20 }}>

      <BottomTabMenuItem icon={require('../assets/performance.png')} title="Performance" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Performance')} />
      <BottomTabMenuItem icon={require('../assets/wallet.png')} title="Carteira" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Wallet')} />
      <BottomTabMenuItem icon={require('../assets/transactions.png')} title="Extrato" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Transactions')} />
      <BottomTabMenuItem icon={require('../assets/settings.png')} title="Ajustes" onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Settings')} />


I have used useRef in other components without any issue.. This one in particular is a bottom tab tab..

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Turns out I was calling this component in a wrong manner in the BottomTabNavigator component..


<TabMenu.Navigator initialRouteName="Performance" tabBar={BottomTabMenu}>
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Performance" component={Performance} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Wallet" component={Wallet} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Transactions" component={Transactions} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Settings" component={Settings} />


<TabMenu.Navigator initialRouteName="Performance" tabBar={props => <BottomTabMenu {...props} />}>
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Performance" component={Performance} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Wallet" component={Wallet} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Transactions" component={Transactions} />
  <TabMenu.Screen name="Settings" component={Settings} />

The piece of code tabBar={props => <BottomTabMenu {...props} />} did the trick..

Thanks @CharlesKornoelje and @RowanX for helping

Try to do the following:

  const xPosition = React.useRef<HTMLElement | null>( new Animated.Value(0)).current

useRef receives types is the same as the useState hook. You just have to pass it into the <>.

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