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[Xamarin.Forms]Custom control in ListView

I have a problem to use a custom control in a Listview using the Binding. I give you my code to make it more concrete.

My custom control (FridgeControl)


     <Label x:Name="LabelName" Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference FridgeView}, Path=NameFridge }" />


public partial class FridgeControl : ContentView
    public string NameFridge { get; set; }

    public static readonly BindableProperty NameFridgeProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
                                                     propertyName: "NameFridge",
                                                     returnType: typeof(string),
                                                     declaringType: typeof(FridgeControl),
                                                     defaultValue: "");

    public FridgeControl ()
        InitializeComponent ();

My page (FridgePage)


        <ListView x:Name="ListFridges"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding Fridges}">
                        <c:FridgeControl NameFridge="{Binding Name}"></c:FridgeControl>


public partial class FridgesPages : ContentPage
    public ObservableCollection<Fridge> Fridges { get; private set; }

    public FridgesPages()

        this.Fridges = new ObservableCollection<Fridge>()
            new Fridge
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Garage",
                Foods = new List<Food>()
                    new Food
                        Id = 14,
                        Name = "Tomatoes",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Vegetal,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 20)
                    new Food
                        Id = 6,
                        Name = "Chicken",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Meat,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 15)
                    new Food
                        Id = 44,
                        Name = "Water",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Drink,
            new Fridge
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Kitchen",
                Foods = new List<Food>()
                    new Food
                        Id = 14,
                        Name = "Salad",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Vegetal,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 20)
                    new Food
                        Id = 6,
                        Name = "Meat",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Meat,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 15)
                    new Food
                        Id = 44,
                        Name = "Juice",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Drink,

        BindingContext = this;

Object Fridge:

public class Fridge
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public List<Food> Foods { get; set; }

    public Fridge() { }

When i get to the FridgePAge page then i have a Cast Exception. What should i do so that i can use my custom control inside the ListView please?

Can you help me find out what i did wrong?

Thank you.

Change your content view code to this

<ContentView xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" 
            <Label x:Name="LabelName" Text="{Binding Name}" />

And change your code behind code to this

   public partial class FridgePage : ContentPage

        public ObservableCollection<Fridge> Fridges { get; private set; }

        public FridgePage()

            this.Fridges = new ObservableCollection<Fridge>(){
            new Fridge
                Id = 1,
                Name = "Garage",
                Foods = new List<Food>()
                    new Food
                        Id = 14,
                        Name = "Tomatoes",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Vegetal,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 20)
                    new Food
                        Id = 6,
                        Name = "Chicken",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Meat,
                        MaxDate = new DateTime(2021, 01, 15)
                    new Food
                        Id = 44,
                        Name = "Water",
                        Type = Models.Enum.TypeFoodEnum.Drink,

        BindingContext = this;

Change your Content page code to this

            <ListView x:Name="ListFridges"
                      ItemsSource="{Binding Fridges}">
                            <c:FridgeControl NameFridge="{Binding Name}"></c:FridgeControl>

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