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Toastr Spinner animation

How to make progress-bar reverse animation left to right?


$(document).ready(function() {
        toastr.options = {
            'closeButton': true,
            'debug': false,
            'newestOnTop': false,
            'progressBar': false,
            'positionClass': 'toast-top-left',  
            'preventDuplicates': false,
            'showDuration': '1000',
            'hideDuration': '1000',
            'timeOut': '5000',
            'extendedTimeOut': '1000',
            'showEasing': 'swing',
            'hideEasing': 'linear',
            'showMethod': 'fadeIn',
            'hideMethod': 'fadeOut',

Override the css class (toast-progress)

.toast-progress {right: 0; left: auto;}

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