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How to implement specific back button functionallity in fragment when condition is made and use default back button functionallity otherwise?

I want to clear selection on back button pressed on selection tracker when there are selected items and use default back button functionallity if there are no selected items.

I use Navigation Components for working with fragments.

Code in my fragment which implements OnBackPressedListener interface:

override fun onBackPressed() {
    if (tracker?.hasSelection() == true) tracker?.clearSelection()
    else findNavController().popBackStack()

Clear selection condition is working, but else block does not.

Code from my BaseActivity which determines how to use back button.

override fun onBackPressed() {
    val currentFragment = navHost.childFragmentManager.fragments[0]
    if (currentFragment is OnBackPressedListener) {
    } else {

So, question is how to exit fragment (or pop backstack) when there are no selected items in selection tracker? It is working when I call


, but I do not know if this is correct solution.

For this case, you could try registering OnBackPressedCallback on your Fragments via addOnBackPressedCallback. For more detail follow the below-given link:


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