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Wouldnt ManuallyDrop without drop call cause memory leak?

I am going through wasm-bindgen guide and i came across the glue code it generates for interacting between js and rust . A reference to a value is passed from js to rust. Rust has to wrap it in ManuallyDrop so that it wont call the Drop implemented on JsValue .

pub fn foo(a: &JsValue) {
    // ...

#[export_name = "foo"]
pub extern "C" fn __wasm_bindgen_generated_foo(arg0: u32) {
    let arg0 = unsafe {
    let arg0 = &*arg0;

But I do not see a ManuallyDrop::drop being called on arg0 . So would the JsValue wrapped in ManuallyDrop be dropped unless the ManuallyDrop::drop(arg0) function is called? Wouldnt it cause a memory leak?

ManuallyDrop does not stop the inner value from being destroyed. It only stops drop from being called. Consider a Vec :

pub struct Vec<T> {
    ptr: *mut T,
    cap: usize,
    len: usize,

The fields ptr , cap , and len will still be destroyed even when wrapped by ManuallyDrop . However, any dynamic resources managed (in this case the data referenced by ptr ) will not be released since drop is not called.

Since JsValue simply holds a u32 , no leak will occur on the Rust-side. And since the glue code ensures proper cleanup for &JsValue arguments, no memory is leaked on the Javascript-side.

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