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JEST unit testing for $.get request

I have a code in React

$.get('/bin/data', (response) => {
            this.data = response;

This is my test case:

$document = {
            on: jest.fn().mockName('$document.on'),

        $ = jest.fn().mockName('$').mockReturnValue($document);
        $.get = () => {};
        jest.spyOn($, 'get').mockName('$.get').mockImplementation(response => jest.fn()); // not sure what to do here such that callback function is also covered

        window.$ = $;

Everything is working fine, but the callback function is not getting covered.

Got if solved.

jest.spyOn($, 'get').mockName('$.get').mockImplementation((url, myMockFn) => {
            myMockFn({ name: 'Tom' });

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