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Issues with undefined variable after login

I have a project on Laravel 5.7 where I create a custom admin (admin.blade.php) page after login, just adding the column userlevel on my Users table, and I have the next foreach on my admin.blade


@foreach($customers as $customer)

Everything is ok when I do it the login on my page, but IF I close the page and I try to open again with the URL (example: ) the project show me the next error:

Undefined variable: customers (View: D:\ExamplePage\system\resources\views\admin.blade.php) Undefined variable: customers (0)


Route::get('/', function () {
    if($user = Auth::user())
        if(Auth::user()->userlevel == "admin"){
            return view('/admin');


    return view('/auth/login');

Route::get('/admin', 'HomeController@index')->name('admin');


use App\customers;
use App\pawns;

public function index()
        $customers = customers::all();
        $pawns = pawns::all();
        return view('admin', compact('customers'), ['customers' => $customers,'pawns'=>$pawns]);


public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null)
        if (Auth::guard($guard)->check()) {
            if ($guard == 'admin') {
                return redirect()->route('/admin');

        return $next($request);

How can I solve to everything that I open again the URL, this show me the admin.blade.php if I logged and dont show me the error with the variable $customers


That is because it unable to customer variable, compact is php function to merge array, and third parameter is used to merged Data, you don't need to pass a third parament, Instead Update the code in your home controller like this.

use App\customers;
use App\pawns;

public function index()
        $customers = customers::all();
        $pawns = pawns::all();
        return view('admin',['customers'=>$customers,'pawns'=>$pawns]);
       return view('admin',compact('customers','pawns'));

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