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Can't install devise_token_auth

I'm attempting to install devise_token_auth. The instructions say to add gem 'devise_token_auth' to my Gemfile, then run bundle install . I created a brand new API only Rails app, follow the instructions, and get the following:

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "rails":
  In Gemfile:
    rails (~> 6.1.1) x86_64-darwin-20

    devise_token_auth x86_64-darwin-20 was resolved to 0.1.21.alpha2, which depends on
      rails (~> 4.1.4)

What is x86_64-darwin-20 ? That's not in the Gemfile, but I'm working on MacOS. What's going on?

Credit to Rockwell Rice: https://rubygems.org/gems/devise_token_auth/versions/1.1.4 shows you the dependencies.

devise_token_auth depends on rails >= 4.2.0, < 6.1. So I just recreated a new rails app with version 6.0.

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