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How to Set Leaflet Map's Zoom to Show All Markers in React Leaflet?

I have a React Leaflet map that needs to change its center and zoom when given a set of markers. The zoom should be changed such that all the markers are visible.

This change of view is currently being attempted using the function ChangeView .

Using my code below, I am able to move the map view, but not able to let the map fit to the bounds. Running the code gives the error:

Error: Bounds are not valid.

on the line


What can we do? Thanks!

import L, { LatLng, latLngBounds, FeatureGroup } from 'leaflet';
import React from 'react';
import { MapContainer, TileLayer, Marker, Popup, useMap } from 'react-leaflet';
import MarkerClusterGroup from 'react-leaflet-markercluster';

import { LatLon, MapMarker } from '../../common/types';
import { config } from '../../config';

interface IProps {
    markers: MapMarker[];
    searchCenter: LatLon;

interface IChangeView {
    center: LatLon;
    markers: MapMarker[];

function ChangeView({ center, markers }: IChangeView) {
    const map = useMap();
    map.setView({lng: center.lon, lat: center.lat}, DEFAULT_ZOOM);
    let markerBounds = latLngBounds([]);
    markers.forEach(marker => {
        markerBounds.extend([marker.lat, marker.lon])
    map.fitBounds(markerBounds)   // <===== Error: Bounds are not valid.
    return null;

export function MapView({markers, searchCenter}: IProps): JSX.Element {
    return (
            center={[searchCenter.lat, searchCenter.lon]}
            style={{ width:'100%', height:'100vh' }}
            <ChangeView center={searchCenter} markers={markers} />
                    markers.map((marker, index) => (
                            position={[marker.lat, marker.lon]} 

Also tried using FeatureGroup instead of latLngBounds , but it gave the exact same error

Error: Bounds are not valid

    let group = new FeatureGroup();
    markers.forEach(marker => {
        L.marker([marker.lat, marker.lon]).addTo(group);

If the markers array is empty, or null , the bounds you create will not have ._southWest and ._northEast properties, and that error will throw. Just make the fitBounds statement conditional on there being markers in the array:

if (markers.length && markers.length > 0){
  markers.forEach(marker => {
    markerBounds.extend([marker.lat, marker.lon])

Or even just a quick one liner:

markerBounds.isValid() && map.fitBounds(markerBounds)

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