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How to get last modified time of file while using infile statement?

I am going to analyze a batch of SAS program file and I am stucked in getting the last modified time of program files. I have thought about X command but it was too inefficient.
I just find when I use infile statement:

data test;
  infile 'D:\test.txt' truncover;
  input ;

Log shows the last modified time:

NOTE: The infile 'D:\test.txt' is:
      RECFM=V,LRECL=32767,File Size (bytes)=7,
      Last Modified=2021/1/26 15:25:48,
      Create Time=2021/1/26 15:25:42

As you can see, log window shows the infomation of file as a NOTE. However, my wish output is a variable filled with Last Modified Time .

Is there some option to get it while using infile statement? Surely, Other efficient ways are welcomed, too.

Use functions FOPEN and FINFO


Show all available information items and their value for a sample data file.

filename datafile 'c:\temp\datafile.txt';

data _null_;
  file datafile;
  put 'Me data';

data _null_;
  fid = fopen('datafile');

  if fid then do;
    do index = 1 to foptnum(fid);
      info_name = foptname(fid,index);
      info_value = finfo(fid, info_name);

      put index= info_name= @40 info_value=;       
    rc = fclose(fid);

Will log information such as

index=1 info_name=Filename             info_value=c:\temp\datafile.txt
index=2 info_name=RECFM                info_value=V
index=3 info_name=LRECL                info_value=32767
index=4 info_name=File Size (bytes)    info_value=9
index=5 info_name=Last Modified        info_value=26Jan2021:06:29:47
index=6 info_name=Create Time          info_value=26Jan2021:06:28:23

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