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Replace a value in a row with a value in another row in Spark dataframe

I have a dataframe like so:

id startValue endValue
1 null 11a
1 554 22b
2 null 33c
2 6743 44d

Assume that we'll always have 2 rows with the same id , one where startValue has value and another where startValue is always null. I'd like to replace the null values in the startValue with startValue-10 , where the startValue is taken from the row with same id where startValue is not null.

id startValue endValue
1 544 11a
1 554 22b
2 6733 33c
2 6743 44d

Sample data frame:

val df = Seq(
("1", null, "11a"),
("1", 554, "22b"),
("2", null, "33c"),
("2", 6743, "44d"),
).toDF("id", "startValue", "endValue")

You can coalesce the nulls with the other startValue found in the same partition of id , minus 10:

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window

val df2 = df.withColumn(
    coalesce($"startValue", max($"startValue").over(Window.partitionBy("id")) - 10)

| id|startValue|endValue|
|  1|       544|     11a|
|  1|       554|     22b|
|  2|      6733|     33c|
|  2|      6743|     44d|

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