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How to write and in one Compare in GOSU

I have a query below and need to combine the 2nd and 3rd.compare condition with 'AND' operator

var query = ii.join(InvoiceItem#PolicyPeriod)
        .compare(PolicyPeriod#Plan, Relop.NotEquals, xyzPlan)
        .compareIn(PolicyPeriod#ProdType, {Prod.TC_FREE, Prod.TC_UNIQ})

Second compareIn statement should be like below in SQL but do not know how to combine two variables in one compare with AND operator.

if ( prodtype in ('FREE','UNIQ') and Elig = 'YES')

Any Advice!!

You can use .and() method from the QueryAPI:

var query = ii.join(InvoiceItem#PolicyPeriod)
    .compare(PolicyPeriod#Plan, Relop.NotEquals, xyzPlan)
    .and(\and1 -> {
        and1.compareIn(PolicyPeriod#ProdType, {Prod.TC_FREE, Prod.TC_UNIQ})
        and1.compareIn(PolicyPeriod#Elig, {OffElig.TC_Yes})

In the same manner, you can use .or() method or even combine and() and or() in one statement.

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