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disable inline or per method reek code smell detector

Is there a way to disable warning from reek gem per method, per line or per block?

What we have for rubocop for example

# suppress warning Use snake_case for method names
def fooBar(baz) # rubocop:disable Naming/MethodName

this example will suppress warnings for rubocop, I'm looking something similar for reek tool.

def foo(bar) # reek:disable TooManyStatements
  baz = bar + bar
  # other line
  # more line
  # that produce reek warning

In documentation I found that it is configurable only by config file, but that's not what I'm looking for


There are always the Basic Smell Options you can use in your configuration file. But in this document we would like to focus on a completely different way - via special comments.

A simple example:

# This method smells of :reek:NestedIterators
def smelly_method(foo)
  foo.each { |bar| bar.each { |baz| baz.qux } }

The method smelly_method will not be reported. The general pattern is to put the string :reek: , followed by the smell class, in a comment before the method or class.

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